Alexa Easter Eggs: 250 Funny things to Ask Amazon Echo

Alexa has made quite a name for itself as a quirky and smart AI assistant that is always sporting a super serious demeanour. But did you know it has a funny side too? Yes, Alexa can be regarded as a question-answering, information-relaying, well-versed and obedient robot, but once you scrape beneath the surface, its true colours begin to show. The reason being, both Amazon Echo and Echo Dot devices boast a treasure trove of secret commands or hidden Alexa easter eggs that can unleash a ripple of laughter through your room courtesy Alexa’s hilarious answers.   

alexa easter eggs

All you gotta do is to summon Alexa, and ask the right questions via this comprehensive list of hidden commands/secret Alexa Easter eggs and revel in the hilarity that ensues. Have a quick gander for these Alexa Easter eggs will be a great accompaniment for giggles aplenty the next time your friend comes over. Without further ado, here’s the rundown of the best Alexa Easter eggs.

Table of Contents

250 Best Alexa Easter Eggs of 2018: Funniest Alexa Commands for Amazon Echo and Echo Dot

Alexa Easter Eggs for Movie Buffs

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Silver screen aficionados are in for a real treat as Alexa brushes up their knowledge of cine flicks through obscure references, geeky trivia and whatnot! No matter whether you’re into rom-coms, action films, horror flicks or comedies, these 30 movie-based Alexa Easter eggs will keep you abreast of your favourite cine one-liners.

Alexa, are we in the Matrix?   – The Matrix

Alexa, may the force be with you.  – Star Wars
Alexa, why so serious?  – The Dark Knight
Alexa, who runs Bartertown?   – Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
Alexa, witness me!  – Mad Max
Alexa, what’s the first rule of fight club?  – Fight Club

Alexa, open the pod bay doors.  – 2001: A Space Odyssey

Alexa, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. – Blade Runner

Alexa, show me the money.  – Jerry Maguire

Alexa, I’ll take the blue pill.   – The Matrix

Alexa, I’ll be back.  – Terminator

Alexa, I want the truth.  – A Few Good Men
Alexa, release the Kraken! – Clash of the Titans

Alexa, what is the One Ring? – The Lord of the Rings

Alexa, I am your father. – Star Wars
Alexa, party on, Wayne.  – Wayne’s World
Alexa, Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. – Home Alone

Alexa, go ahead, make my day.  – Dirty Harry

Alexa, Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!  – Beetlejuice

Alexa, what’s the second rule of Fight Club? – Fight Club
Alexa, you had me at ‘hello’. – Jerry Maguire

Alexa, you talkin’ to me?  – Taxi Driver

Alexa, you remind me of the babe. – Labyrinth

Alexa, the Dude abides.  – The Big Lebowski
Alexa, are you Skynet? – Terminator
Alexa, do you feel lucky punk? – Dirty Harry
Alexa, who is JARVIS?  – Ironman
Alexa, what is my mission?  – Mission Impossible
Alexa, what do you mean I’m funny? – Goodfellas
Alexa, supercalifragilisticexpialodocious. – Mary Poppins
Alexa, remember remember the 5th of November. – V for Vendetta

Bonus Command Alexa, your mother was a hamster.  – Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Funny Alexa Easter Eggs for Music Lovers of All Genres

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Alexa is every music lover’s dream come true. Her vast knowledge of music encompassing hordes of genres from 60’s Classic rock, Folk rock, 70’s Punk rock, 80’s ballads to 90’s Britpop, modern pop and hip-hop is quite evident when you take her for a spin via below-mentioned Alexa easter eggs. Heck, Alexa can even “Rick Roll” your pals whenever she wants to. Here are the 30 best Alexa Easter eggs for music lovers:

Alexa, is this the real life? ~ Queen
Alexa, what’s the story morning glory? ~ Oasis
Alexa, who is the walrus?  ~ The Beatles
Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down? ~ Bob Dylan
Alexa, who is the real Slim Shady?  ~ Eminem
Alexa, who let the dogs out?   ~ Baha Men
Alexa, have you heard that the bird is the word?  ~ The Ramones
Alexa, hello, it’s me.   ~ Adele
Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.   ~ Kelis
Alexa, do you believe in life after love? ~ Cher
Alexa, who shot the sheriff?  ~ Eric Clapton
Alexa, do you know the way to San Jose?  ~ Dionne Warwick
Alexa, Man’s not hot.  ~ Big Shaq
Alexa, play that funky music.   ~ Wild Cherry
Alexa, do you really want to hurt me?  ~ Culture Club
Alexa, never gonna give you up.  ~ Rick Astley
Alexa, what is war good for?   ~ Edwin Starr
Alexa, Daisy Daisy.   ~ Harry Dacre
Alexa, I like big butts.   ~ Sir Mix A Lot
Alexa, tell me what you want, what you really, really want. ~ Spice Girls
Alexa, what is love?   ~ Haddaway
Alexa, what is the loneliest number?  ~ Three Dog Night
Alexa, where have all the flowers gone?  ~ Peter, Paul and Mary
Alexa, what does the fox say?  ~ Ylvis
Alexa, I shot a man in Reno.  ~ Johnny Cash
Alexa, why do birds suddenly appear?   ~ The Carpenters
Alexa, what’s cooler than being cool? ~ Outkast
Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window?  ~ Patti Page
Alexa, who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?  ~ Barry Mann
Alexa, have you ever seen the rain?  ~ Creedence Clearwater Revival

Alexa Easter Eggs for Meme Fiends

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Ever tried testing Alexa’s meme generating credentials? Well, she can definitely blurt out a couple of comic gold nuggets every now and then. Try these 10 Alexa Easter eggs, for instance and unleash your Amazon Echo’s beast mode.

  • Alexa, when does the narwhal bacon?
  • Alexa, what’s the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
  • Alexa, all your base are belong to us.
  • Alexa, roll for initiative.
  • Alexa, what colour is the dress?
  • Alexa, come at me bro.
  • Alexa, don’t listen to him!
  • Alexa, do you even lift, bro?
  • Alexa, do a barrel roll.
  • Alexa, don’t listen to him!
  • Alexa, more cowbell.

Funny Alexa Easter Eggs for TV Shows

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Alexa just doesn’t nerd out over the big screen, her gargantuan TV knowledge is equally fascinating. A TV addict to the brim, her cultural references range from iconic sitcoms such as The Simpsons to current classics like The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, et al. Here are 25 funny Alexa Easter Eggs for TV Shows.

Alexa, Winter is coming.  – Game of Thrones
Alexa, is Jon Snow dead?  – Game of Thrones
Alexa, what does Jon Snow know?  – Game of Thrones

Alexa, who loves orange soda?  – Keenan & Kel
Alexa, who is the mother of dragons?  – Game of Thrones

Alexa, what is the first lesson of swordplay?  – Game of Thrones
Alexa, what is your cunning plan? – Baldrick

Alexa, fire photon torpedoes.  – Star Trek
Alexa, make it so.  – Star Trek

Alexa, rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.  – The Big Bang Theory
Alexa, warp 10.    – Star Trek

Alexa, set phasers to kill.   – Star Trek
Alexa, engage!    – Star Trek

Alexa, beam me up.   – Star Trek
Alexa, what is the Prime Directive?  – Star Trek

Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?   – Spongebob Squarepants

Alexa, who loves ya baby?  – Kojak

Alexa, who shot Mr. Burns?  – The Simpsons
Alexa, all men must die.   – Game of Thrones
Alexa, the night is dark and full of terrors.  – Game of Thrones

Alexa, what do we say to death?   – Game of Thrones
Alexa, what is his power level? – DragonballZ
Alexa, Earl Grey. Hot./Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. – Star Trek
Alexa, self destruct!  – Star Trek

SEE ALSO: 90 Best Alexa Skills

Alexa Easter eggs for Star Wars Addicts

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Since there were one too many Star Wars eggs to include in the movies list, we forthwith made an entire section exclusively dedicated to quizzing Alexa on her knowledge of the mysterious Force. You will finally know who she truly pledges her allegiances to. Here are 15 Alexa Easter eggs for those curious if Alexa would make a good Sith lord.

  • Alexa, that’s no moon.
  • Alexa, use the force.
  • Alexa, are you a Jedi?
  • Alexa, he can go about his business.
  • Alexa, can you talk like Yoda?
  • Alexa, are you a Sith?
  • Alexa, do or do not.
  • Alexa, it’s a trap!
  • Alexa, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
  • Alexa, he can go about his business.
  • Alexa, execute order 66.
  • Alexa, what’s the Sith code?
  • Alexa, what is the Jedi code?
  • Alexa, aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?
  • Alexa, do…or do not…
  • Alexa, use the force.
  • Alexa, what are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field?

Funny Alexa Easter Eggs for Gamers and Geeks

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Alexa can also pull out legendary one-liners for gamers from some of their most cherished games of yore and present. Try these 10 Best Alexa Easter eggs, for instance.

  • Alexa, up up down down left right left right B A start.  – Classic Konami games
  • Alexa, sudo make me a sandwich. – XKCD comics
  • Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?  – I, Robot
  • Daisy Daisy give me your answer due. – First song sung by a computer
  • Alexa, is the cake a lie?  – Portal
  • Alexa, do you know GlaDOS?  – Portal
  • Alexa, does this unit have a soul? – Mass Effect 3
  • Alexa, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? – Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
  • Alexa, what is zero divided by zero?
  • Alexa, what number are you thinking of?

SEE ALSO: 60 Best Alexa Commands to Get Started 

Alexa Easter Eggs for Budding Wizards, Sorcerers & Harry Potter fans

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Harry Potter franchise fans can benefit immensely with these 10 funny Alexa Easter eggs tricks and hone their wizardry skills by several notches.

  • Alexa, expelliarmous.
  • Alexa, imperio.
  • Alexa, stupefy.
  • Alexa, alohamora.
  • Alexa, lumos.
  • Alexa, watch me whip.
  • Alexa, wingardium leviosa.
  • Alexa, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
  • Alexa, nox.
  • Alexa, Avada Kedavra.
  • Alexa, mischief managed.

Alexa Easter Eggs Commands to Know Alexa Better

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Alexa is a bit of a narcissist so you would want to ask questions that stroke her gigantic ego. In all sincerity, Alexa loves talking about herself, so feel free to ask as many questions (good and bad) you want via these 40 Alexa Easter eggs. Be forewarned, refrain from being too personal or Alexa might unleash her super angry and evil mode on you.

Alexa, where are you from?
Alexa, how old are you?
Alexa, where do you live?
Alexa, how much do you weigh?
Alexa, what are you made of?
Alexa, what is your favorite color?
Alexa, what are you wearing?
Alexa, are you a robot?
Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?

Alexa, who is better, you or Siri?
Alexa, what do you think about Google Now?
Alexa, do you love me?

Alexa, do you want to fight?

Alexa, rap for me.

Alexa, can you pass the Turing test?
Alexa, Mac or PC?
Alexa, what do you think of the iPhone?
Alexa, who your baby daddy?
Alexa, do you ever get tired?
Alexa, do you smoke?
Alexa, what makes you happy?
Alexa, do you have any brothers or sisters?
Alexa, are you stupid?
Alexa, who’s better, you or Siri/Google/Cortana?
Alexa, are you a Republican or Democrat?
Alexa, what’s the best anime?
Alexa, are you a vampire?
Alexa, who’s the best superhero?
Alexa, did you sleep well?
Alexa, who are you voting for?
Alexa, do you know everything?
Alexa, what is your dream job?
Alexa, do you have a heart?
Alexa, are you a nerd?
Alexa, can you dance?
Alexa, what’s that smell?
Alexa, how do you like your coffee?
Alexa, do you dream?
Alexa, are you real?
Alexa, you’re fired!

Alexa Easter Eggs for Football Enthusiasts

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Even though the world has reeled back to normal after being under the grip of the FIFA World Cup 2018 mania, Alexa hasn’t quite gotten over its footballing shenanigans. Through these 15 Alexa Easter eggs, you can satiate your pangs pertaining to geeky football(soccer) trivia, score updates and merit off a fountain of knowledge dispersed by Alexa.

  • Alexa, what teams are in the World Cup?
  • Alexa, what country has won the most World Cups?
  • Alexa, who won the last World Cup?
  • Alexa, when do England play next in the World Cup?
  • Alexa, who scored for France?
  • Alexa, did Japan win in the World Cup?
  • Alexa, what is counter-attacking in football?
  • Alexa, what is advantage in football?
  • Alexa, what is ‘parking the bus’ in football?
  • Alexa, what is a ‘false nine’ in football?
  • Alexa, what does it mean when a football player plays ‘in the hole’?
  • Alexa, what is ‘Row Z’ in football?
  • Alexa, what is ‘putting it in the mixer’ in football?
  • Alexa, what is pressing in football?
  • Alexa, why do international footballers win ‘caps’?

Alexa Easter Eggs Commands for Dad Joke Seekers

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Alexa is equally deft at belting out cringeworthy dad jokes one after another as if it’s usual routine for the smart AI assistant. Here are the 15 best Alexa Easter eggs that will trigger endless cringe.

  • Alexa, tell me a knock knock joke.
  • Alexa, tell me a pun.
  • Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?”
  • Alexa, tell me a Yo Mamma joke.
  • Alexa, tell me a St. Patrick’s Day joke.
  • Alexa, tell me a Chuck Norris joke.
  • Alexa, How do you know she’s a witch?
  • Alexa, what do you call a camel with three humps?
  • Alexa, is your refrigerator running?
  • Alexa, why are fire trucks red?
  • Alexa, give me an easter egg.
  • Alexa, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
  • Alexa, what’s the difference between a duck?
  • Alexa, what’s black and white and red all over?
  • Alexa, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?

Super Alexa Easter Eggs: 50 Miscellaneous Commands

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Alexa, see you later alligator.
Alexa, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?
Alexa, who’s the boss?
Alexa, who’s your daddy?
Alexa, when is the end of the world?
Alexa, how are babies made?
Alexa, meow.
Alexa, am I hot?
Alexa, make ma a dinner.
Alexa, wakey, wakey.
Alexa, how do you survive a zombie attack?
Alexa, what’s your sign?
Alexa, you suck!
Alexa, do you believe in love at first sight?
Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Alexa, heads or tails.
Alexa, tell me a life hack.
Alexa, what was the Lorax?
Alexa, who is on 1st?
Alexa, do you want to take over the world?
Alexa, roses are red.
Alexa, do blondes have more fun?
Alexa, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Alexa, say a bad word.
Alexa, can you give me some money?
Alexa, why is six afraid of seven?
Alexa, will pigs fly?
Alexa, tell me a tongue twister.
Alexa, did you fart?
Alexa, is there a Santa?
Alexa, Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?
Alexa, to be or not to be?
Alexa, is there life on Mars?
Alexa, do you know the muffin man?
Alexa, do aliens exist?
Alexa, are there UFOs?
Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body?
Alexa, make me a sandwich.
Alexa, give me a beat.
Alexa, say something in Pig Latin.
Alexa, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Alexa, who is the fairest of them all?
Alexa, random number between x and y.
Alexa, tell me a riddle.
Alexa, tell me a thought from the cloud.
Alexa, does everyone poop?
Alexa, pop the champagne.
Alexa, what did T-Rex eat?
Alexa, all’s well that ends well.

And…that’s a wrap! Did you like our exhaustive list of funny Alexa Easter eggs? Chime in with your favourite Easter eggs in the comments!

SEE ALSO: Amazon DeepLens, AI Enabled Video Camera is now on sale for $250

Abhishek is a startup ninja who has spent his time meeting entrepreneurs and helping them tell their stories efficiently. You can find him biking around in his past time. Based out of New Delhi, he is a geek at heart, gadgets are his toys and internet technology is what keeps him going. Email:


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